#632 To Bread Land:

Why in the world did you raise your damn prices?


That extra 27 cents I have to spend is 27 cents that is going away from my wardrobe fund.


And my wardrobe fund is extremely important to me.


Then again, so is food,


P.S. Oh look, a text from the Cute Guy From Up North, telling me it was really good to see me and we’ll talk soon.



#604 To The Weirdest Wake-Up Text I’ve Ever Received:

Spike is by far one of the most ridiculous men I’ve ever met.


And I’ve known Captain Cubicle for three and a half years.


Sure, I’m used to Spike’s rather….suggestive texts that he sends me, but when they’re used as a morning wakeup call (okay, nearly afternoon, but it’s vacation so I’m allowed to sleep in), it’s a little hard to wrap my head around.
Because I’m half asleep,

#601 To Brunch With The Girls:

Was lucky enough to see all my girls for a slightly overpriced brunch today.

I’ve missed them all, Flo, Ruthie, Liz, Indy, and Barca.

And I had a lovely heart-to-heart with Liz concerning life, the universe, and Captain Cubicle.

All the girls know about that one.

I filled them in on the back-story behind Spike too. It’s only fair.

Though apparently, they were taken aback at some of the semi-naughty texts he’s sent me.

I guess with all my naughty conversations with Captain Cubicle that they really don’t faze me much,

#599 To Peculiarities Of British Television Shows:

Now, it’s probably because I’m American, and I’m used to television shows having long and drawn out story arcs that last for about twenty or so episodes, so I also seem to be surprised when I find a good British show that has a rather short season.


Torchwood’s short. Two seasons (series’) of thirteen episodes each, plus series three, which was fives episodes (though I pretend that pesky last one doesn’t exist and replace it with my own reality where Ianto doesn’t die. I’ll admit, I haven’t exactly watched it, and I don’t plan to. Twin filled me in well enough), and series four (the somewhat disappointing one) had ten.


Billie Piper (aka Rose, my favorite companion from Doctor Who, though, I don’t want to incite a war between the Martha and Donna fans, I love them both as well, I just love Rose the most) and her show Secret Diary of a Call Girl also has short series’, but tonight, I discovered one that takes the cake.




Three episodes per season, with the first episode of the second airing yesterday.


At least the episodes are long, so it’s kind of like two each.


And this version of Sherlock, I don’t know what it is, but his eyes are amazing and his voice just sends me to a happier place.


Which is definitely what I need right about now, because I am in some SERIOUS turmoil concerning the games Spike has been playing lately.


I should talk to Best Friend about it.


I’ll text her first thing tomorrow, see what she’s up to.


But now, back to Sherlock,

#583 To FF University Athletics’ Facilities Staff:

Don’t get me wrong, they’re fantastic as all things, but good lord do they take FAR too much entertainment by driving us in the media services department NUTS.


Of course, by us I more of less just mean SWM and me.


Beyond the whole disconcerting-ness that is them ALL, including and especially the ones who don’t speak to me, giving me the judging looks that I can only relate to Spike, or that when Spike knows I’m working, he’ll intentionally (about 99% sure on this) leave the stacks of chairs that belong on the court in the middle of the hallway next to our office for me to trip over, but there’s also the fact that they just give us shit ALL the time.


Or like tonight, when Less gave SWM and I crap for leaving the camera on in the media room after postgame, and Bear (event management coordinator) could see and hear Less (Spike and his compatriots’ boss) and I moving around and talking after the press conference.


It’s not like we actually said anything bad, or that anyone outside the department actually watches the darn thing, but must they give us crap?


I mean, there’s no way I’m touching the camera.


I don’t want to risk breaking things, and then having to suffer Webs’ wrath.


Not that he’s all that wrath-full, but still,


P.S. I wonder how long it’s going to take for this story to get back to Spike (seeing as how he and his compatriots MUST gossip like a bunch of women) and for him to text me and give me shit about it.


Clock starts now.


I’m betting on either a less-than-sober text three in the morning, or sometime tomorrow afternoon.

#551 To Things That Make Me Smile:

Spike texted me this morning to tell me to have a good trip (going to San Francisco tomorrow with my cousin and her family. Traveling-Snark to come).


I’ve never actually had a guy do that for me before.


Grinning like and idiot, yes, but I also don’t really know what to do with this.


I admit, I’m probably going to take the text saying that we’ll hang out when I get back with a grain of salt until it actually happens.


It’s not exactly his fault that I don’t believe him, but for a guy who claims to think about me naked quite often, he’s certainly not making strides to making it actually happen.



#476 To Things I Didn’t Dream:

Well, apparently I didn’t dream that Spike texted me at 2 in the morning.


From this, at least I know that when I’m mostly asleep, I can text pretty damn coherently, because I don’t really remember him popping up at all.


And though that was probably ninety percent booty call until he realized I was in a different state, it’s nice to know he’s thinking about me,

#474 To The Freak-Out I Stopped Myself From Having:

That would be the one where I was in the car with Snarky’s Dad, The Ex-Watermelon Man, and My Ex-Geometry Teacher on the way to a football game, when I looked off to the side and could have sworn that Captain Cubicle was in the car in the next lane.


Glad I was able to stop myself was eeping and just managed to text Best Friend,

#454 To Things That Are Adorable Part 2:

Spike texted me after the basketball game today to ask me how my day went, and to warn me that it was raining outside.

It’s really adorable.

Like, I almost don’t know what to do with this.

And after some of the things we talked about last night, I honestly didn’t expect to hear from him.

Boys and their surprises,

#436 To Being Pleasantly Surprised:

I’ve gotta say, that after my nearly hour-long text-fest with Spike, that I really didn’t expect to hear from him after the game.


And yet, there he goes, right before Sigma and I headed out.


To say that I’m out of my depth right now is an understatement,