#591 To The End Of 2011:

Sure I was pretty benign on my Facebook status, but with everything that happened in 2011, all I have to say is that the bulk of the last 365 days can go eat shit.


I’m just so done with the bullshit of this last year.


I hope 2012 is better, and there is no better way to kick that off than with a trip home,

#528 To The Japanese Culture Wardrobe Watch Part 35:

I can hardly believe that this is the penultimate commentary on Hat Man’s hats.


The last time I’ll see him is probably going to be next week on our final exam day.


So, the second to last hat, just so happens to be a camouflage Santa Hat.


Not bad, but I think he could do better,

#473 To Conversations With Best Friend:

First of all, they’re so much better when done in person.


Secondly, I need to make a mental note to find out if Spike has any similarly attractive friends to set her up with.


Oh, and we’ve both decided that Captain Cubicle is definitely closer to the homosexual side of the spectrum.


More power to him,

#131 To Being A Role Model:

Working at a summer camp for the last five years has taught me that being a role model is an extremely precarious position, and you never know whom you’re going to impact.


This summer, I know I impacted a lot of people, including people I never expected to, amongst the staff.


Apparently, one of my girls wants to be just like me when she grows up.


I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen.


I’m awesome and all, but I’m pretty messed up (see, the last oh, 130 posts for the proof).


Nor am I going to end up living up to their expectation that I’m going to stay there forever.


It’s a lovely thought, but with the path I’m on, the path I want to be on, it’s just not possible.


Plus, I keep getting older, while everyone else gets younger and younger.


And frankly, I don’t have patience for youthful stupidity.


I love them all, and I’ll be there for any reunion I can, but staying, actually staying is an impossibility I don’t think I want to overcome.


And to my camper who wants to be me, I’d be honored for her to eventually take over my position as photographer and person who pretty much does everything else that needs to be done like schedules and lists, but she should make it her own.


Make it better,

#124 To The Staff of The Starbucks Near The Zoo:

I don’t know what I would do if I hadn’t discovered the fact that you’re all capable, well mannered, and efficient?

You’re all light-years ahead of the Starbucks on campus, and if it weren’t easier to go there every morning, I’d go to your location every morning.

But alas, it is easier to go to the campus location,