#583 To FF University Athletics’ Facilities Staff:

Don’t get me wrong, they’re fantastic as all things, but good lord do they take FAR too much entertainment by driving us in the media services department NUTS.


Of course, by us I more of less just mean SWM and me.


Beyond the whole disconcerting-ness that is them ALL, including and especially the ones who don’t speak to me, giving me the judging looks that I can only relate to Spike, or that when Spike knows I’m working, he’ll intentionally (about 99% sure on this) leave the stacks of chairs that belong on the court in the middle of the hallway next to our office for me to trip over, but there’s also the fact that they just give us shit ALL the time.


Or like tonight, when Less gave SWM and I crap for leaving the camera on in the media room after postgame, and Bear (event management coordinator) could see and hear Less (Spike and his compatriots’ boss) and I moving around and talking after the press conference.


It’s not like we actually said anything bad, or that anyone outside the department actually watches the darn thing, but must they give us crap?


I mean, there’s no way I’m touching the camera.


I don’t want to risk breaking things, and then having to suffer Webs’ wrath.


Not that he’s all that wrath-full, but still,


P.S. I wonder how long it’s going to take for this story to get back to Spike (seeing as how he and his compatriots MUST gossip like a bunch of women) and for him to text me and give me shit about it.


Clock starts now.


I’m betting on either a less-than-sober text three in the morning, or sometime tomorrow afternoon.

#446 To Discovering Mystery Baked Goods On My Desk In 106:

Not that I didn’t already know this, but Supe is one of the best bosses ever.


Not only do I get paid for all the work I put in last night trying to fix the stat drama, but also I came into the office to find that Mrs. Supe baked me cookies that looks pumpkin-themed and full of deliciousness.


They definitely are the best,