From the Quote Collection #173

Snarky: “Where did you hide the Satan Printer?”

Blue: “Somewhere under my desk…”

Snarky: “Thanks. I don’t remember it being so heavy….what did you feed it over the summer?”

Blue: “It misses Captain Cubicle and has a heavy heart.”

#98 To 106’s Brand New Copier:

I’m sure you’re well aware of the reputation of our old copier, which drove our entire office nuts for the better part of the last three years, making us think it was possessed, breaking down at the very last minute, and making those creepy noises when I’m in the office late, but you’re NOT supposed to act like that.


At not-even three months old, you REALLY shouldn’t need new parts or whatever your issue is.


It’s game day, and I have stuff I need to print.


Oh fine, time to dig up the Satan Printer,