#525 To Preparations For My Last Day Of Fall Semester Before Finals:

Did I really finish all my assignments that are due tomorrow (which includes my poetry portfolio (9 poems, 3-page reflection), my 8-page Lit Hell Part 2 paper, and my last Japanese Culture reaction paper) before midnight?


Someone alert the media*,

*Note sarcasm here

#524 To Weird On-Going Arguments:

Like the one I have going on with Spike concerning my wardrobe and the colors I wear.


Not like he’s one to talk, seeing as he wears three and a half different colors.


But I on the other hand, happen to be wearing my fabulous green leggings today.


New color.


And while I haven’t seen him yet, he apparently has seen me, considering he texting me about how much he likes my choice in pant color today.


It’s really cute,

#523 To Entertainingly Awkward Conversations With Mini-Me:

It’s just too amusing.


Mini-Me and New Intern were talking about one of her swimmers, and how he’s going to be the next Michael Phelps (probably true. The records that kid broke this weekend were ridiculous), and I made an offhand comment about someone mentioning that they met him recently.


It only hit me a half-second after I said I didn’t remember who, that I remembered who.


Captain Cubicle.


And Mini-Me said he remembered the same thing, but also was as vague as I was.


He so knows, and he also knows that I know.


I am amused,

#522 To This Weather:

Yes, the cold is quite fabulous, but not in my dang bedroom!


Long story short, our heater’s been broken for far too much longer than it should be, and my room is the coldest in the house.


Of course, I haven’t exactly given Roomie his space heater back since the temperatures dropped.


He’ll get it back when the house has the capabilities to be more than twenty degrees warmer than it is outside (because 50 degrees is really quite unpleasant when it’s 30 degrees outside).

